Touch the body, heal the mind, heal the spirit.

Customized Massage Treatment

Our Customized Massage is the rhythmic movement of a series of Swedish Massage techniques best used for deep tissue, therapeutic and relaxation treatments. When combined they relieve any tension or muscle discomfort caused by your day-to-day life or a chronic injury.

Our customized massage can help or reduce the following: reduce stress and anxiety, reduce symptoms of depression, boost your mood, relieve muscle tension, relieve pain, soreness, injury, imbalance, tightness, chronic muscle pain.

45 Minute - $92 60 Minute - $115

75 Minute - $143 90 Minute - $166

120 Minute - $230

At Just Breathe-Wellness all our massage treatments include your choice of essential oil to be used during the massage treatment: lavender, lemongrass, peppermint or our feature of the season. With the final touch of enjoying the hot towels used during your treatment leaving you feeling relaxed.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.